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Let’s Do Business – Brighton Expo

A big thank you to everyone that came to see us at the Let’s Do Business Brighton Expo last week.  It was a fun show to do and it was great to meet so many people.  We went a day early to set up ready for the morning which was a nice luxury to have seeing as the beautifully set Brighton Racecourse is on our doorstep.  Despite the fact that it was the only day of the week with awful weather, the show was a big success and we wanted to say thank you to everyone involved.

The winner of our raffle, and proud new owner of a Kindle Fire HD, was Gemma Doughtyof YMCA Downslink Group.  Congratulations Gemma.  We will hopefully be doing more shows this year, follow us on Twitter for more information on upcoming events where we will be exhibiting.

We hope to see you at the next Let’s Do Business Brighton Expo!


LDB Brighton Stand